wah pejam celik pejam celik...
ari neh dah 13 ari umat Islam berpose ek..
dan... selama 13 ari gak mama x leh poce..
naper? sbb nyer ubat kene amek 3x sehari k
wut 2 do... pas raya kene pulun poce r...
sambil2 poce leh gak turunkan berat bdn...
skang neh tgh semangat berkobar2...
jangan t bila sampai masa, semangat pon ntah ke maner...
salunyer mama neh cenggitu r.. huwaaaa...
owh ari neh mama pg cek up kat PPUKM...
lps punch, n lps mama bekpes ngan biskut cicah milo...
mama telan 9 1/2 biji ubat2 yg dibekalkan oleh ibu dokter...
dgn harapan BP ok2..
emm pg pagi tu sbb nak kene amek darah 2 btl kecik tu...
nak terus dpt result... nasib r kene bebel ngan org lab tu,
dia ckp len kali dtg awal seminggu... tp sibbek dier ckp tu
ngan baik r... aku leh timer bebelan itu sambil aku ckp
dokter yg soh dtg pepagi n mintak result sblm
jumpa dokter ari neh... emm aku rasa result darah tu
leh terus dpt pon, psl Dr. Maiza yg cek aku, tgk online
dah ada result... bikin kalut jer org lab tu.
haa ms amek darah tu, org lab tu leh ckp...
darah aku pekat, susah nak kuar...
eh setao aku selama neh bkn darah susah kuar,
tp susah jumpa urat jer... ish bikin aku saspen lak...
pas tu dier tukar tgn kiri, ok jer darah aku jln...
pas amek darah, bab neh yg plg saspen dlm idup mama...
kene amek tekanan darah lor...
mama dah duduk rilek br soh cek BP, tapiiiiiii... 150/100!!!
misi soh mama duduk blk lam 15 minit br cek blk...
emmm mama rasa sambil tunggu tu leh terlelap gak...
hahahhahampeh toi...
amek lg sekali, Alhamdulillah... 140/90!
pas cek darah, tunggu utk scan lak.
Dokter yg scan tu kata baby ok, Alhamdulillah.
Berat lebih krg lam 1.8kg...
Maybe lebih krg ceneh r kedudukan baby lam perut mama neh...

Fetal development - 31 weeks pregnant
Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out - and they are finally proportional in size to her head. She weighs about 3.3 pounds/ 1.5 kilograms and looks more like a newborn. She measures about 16 inches/ 41 centimetres from crown to toe. You may notice your baby isn't moving around as much. Don't worry; she's just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel her squirming, you'll know she's just fine. Believe it or not, she still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect her to gain at least two more pounds/ 900 grams before birth.
Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out - and they are finally proportional in size to her head. She weighs about 3.3 pounds/ 1.5 kilograms and looks more like a newborn. She measures about 16 inches/ 41 centimetres from crown to toe. You may notice your baby isn't moving around as much. Don't worry; she's just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel her squirming, you'll know she's just fine. Believe it or not, she still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect her to gain at least two more pounds/ 900 grams before birth.
Your baby's organs are continuing to mature and she is passing water from her bladder: good practice for the urinating she'll do after she's born. Soon you can wonder what your baby is wishing for - brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight.
You've probably gained three to four pounds/ 1.3 to 1.8 kilograms this month. Gaining a pound/ 450 grams a week is quite normal during the last trimester as your baby has a final growth spurt 33 before birth.
cepat lak ari neh dapat jumpa dokter.
sibbek jumpa ngan Dr. Maiza, harapan x msk wad tu amat cerah.
mmg btoi, dia dah paham jiwa mama yg x nak msk wad dah...
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